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GAPNA Mission Statement

The Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA) is an elite group of APN's who advance the practice of gerontological nursing. Our mission is to promote excellence in advanced practice nursing that enhances the well-being of older adults

To promote high standards of health care for older adults through advanced gerontological nursing practice, education, and networking.

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GAPNA Exchange- a new online community for members to connect, communicate and collaborate!

What is it? GAPNA Exchange is a private, secure community for members to share ideas, ask questions, lend expertise, and network with peers. The community features both an Open Forum discussion area along with smaller, segmented communities. Now, you can interact with GAPNA members wherever and whenever you need to connect.


Connect with other members of the Carolinas Chapter of GAPNA on the GAPNA Exchange! 

Use this link if you like:

Introducing: GAPNA Exchange | Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA)
-- Communicate with our chapter membership or to individuals .

--Log in to GAPNA Exchange through national GAPNA website/ update bio/ post a picture

--Go to "my connections" and then "communities"

--Choose Triad #203 to connect with entire chapter

--Open up our community and choose anyone you need to privately message or search for any member!

-Become a part of the conversation!


Education Corner

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We also invite any member to join us on one of our committees: Education/planning, Scholarship, Volunteer, Communication/Social Media or Membership. 

Click on the following link to sign up for a committee!
GAPNA has partnered with Clinical Care Options for a webinar on Diagnosing, Classification and Treatment of Heart Failure in Older Adults.
in this interactive Webcast, expert faculty review the challenges of managing older adults with HF, including diagnosis, staging, and developing individualized management plans.
Check the GAPNA website
for how to participate
and receive 1.0 contact hour FREE!
Accessibility Statement
You can reach us by email at:
Check out our Facebook, Instagram,
            and Twitter Pages
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Contact us by clicking on the blue button below

2020 CMoore Creation.  Created with Wix Web Design

The very best in
Geriatric Care
 begins with each of us!
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